Blog 10

My feelings about school have changed drastically. Most days I wake up and I always think to myself “ugh I don’t feel like going to school today”. Usually I am counting down the days until the weekend and I let the week just pass by. Now, my whole perception of school is different. I realized how much fun I really have in school. I have met many new people who have become my best friends because they happened to be in one of my classes. Now, I wish I could go back and see them and joke about homework and class. I miss going to lunch and catching up with what’s going on in all my friends lives. I even miss going to school and having an interesting discussion of learning a lesson that makes me excited to learn more. There are so many memories and celebrations that school brings and I just want to experience those again. Now, when I think about school, I don’t think of the homework or the waking up early, or the occasional class that feels too long. I think of the times when I laughed too hard at a joke a classmate made, or met a new person, or the times when I was just so happy to see everyone. I took school for granted and I complained about it a lot, but I realize that I actually loved it. Every year gets more interesting and more fun and I would give up anything to have that back. Looking back, I wish that I had enjoyed every day of school instead of trying to get through it, and that’s what I will do now when we come back. 


  1. I totally agree sophie! I always complained about school and I sincerly thought that I would be so happy to do e-learning. This is not true at all. We definitely all took school for granted, especially just those social interactions that we had daily.

  2. I agree. It really is the small things that make us happy. Its sad that it took a whole pandemic for people to realize how important the small things are. Hopefully we dont take anything for granted next year.

  3. I also feel like I have taken things for granted; this quarantine while frustrating and unpleasant as it is, has made me realize the things that I just figured I would have forever. I just read somewhere that people are finding that they regret not living in the moment more because they assumed that there would be plenty more moments to come. I feel like a lot of people are going to come out of this quarantine as different people, I know that I will. I think that when the time comes to go back to school, no longer juniors but as seniors I think that I’ll no longer wake up in the morning and prematurely say that I’m not ready for my 9:00 am math class but instead will look forward to it. I find that for the first time in my life I am counting down the days until I can go back to school- a place that I didn’t know I enjoyed so much.


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