One thing that I have noticed that has really surprised me is that people are everywhere. It’s not surprising when you think about it, but I had never noticed how it is almost impossible to walk outside (in my community) and not see someone. This morning, I was watching the news and usually outside of the Today show there are people pressed up against the glass waving. These people are packed together all hoping to be in the background of the news. Today, as I was watching, there was not a single person outside behind the studio. It surprised me how empty everything is including New York City.
Another thing that is scary as well as inspiring that New York is calling for help. As I was watching the news I heard the announcement that New York needs more medical staff. This was scary because it meant that the cases were rising to heights that couldn’t be properly cared for. The good part though, was that hotels and airlines were willing to fly and board people for free. The country is all trying to come together and help each other and that is one of the things that helps me be optimistic about this situation.
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