Over the past few months I have heard many news stories about the Corona Virus. First I saw it in China, then Europe, and now here. When the virus was overseas, I wasn’t scared, and I didn’t realize the impact it would have on the world, as well as my life. It gradually got closer and then it was in my community. I secretly hoped that school would be cancelled because of it, but I didn’t realize how much would change.
Now school is cancelled, and the phrase I have been hearing all week is “social distancing”. My parents won’t let me leave the house and I haven’t seen any of my friends in days. I have never had this much free time and I don’t know what to do with it. The only thing I look forward to is going on walks, and before this, I had never really just gone on walks. Everyday one of my parents tells me a new thing that is closing or happening regarding the virus. Today it was that the whole state of California is on lockdown, and eventually that will probably happen to us too. The impact of the virus on everyday life gets stronger everyday. When I look outside, it looks like time has stopped, there is no one outside. This whole experience has made me look at time and values very differently and stop taking things for granted.
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