One thing that gave me hope today was the signs all around my neighborhood. One of my neighbors purchased blank signs and emailed the neighborhood and asked if anyone would like to write positive messages on the signs and put them up in their years. I walked my dog around the block, and as I was walking I saw signs everywhere. They said things like “this will pass”, and “thank you”, and “stay strong”. This gave me hope because I realized that we are all in this together and we all have to work together to help stop the spread of the virus. It made me feel relieved that people wanted to do anything they could to help, even if that is just making signs. I think that the virus will help unite communities and states and the country. As I was scrolling through social media, I came across a post by Voss water. Voss has donated over 700,000 bottles of water to front line workers. Companies and individual people all want to help and the effort that everyone is putting in gave me hope that everything will go back to normal soon.
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